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Trusted by small and medium business owners all around the world

Store owners, vendors and many other business holders rely on ProWebSms everyday to engage more customers and stimulate traffic.

I want to congratulate the creator of this module for the quality of his work and especially the quality of customer service. It is fast, very professional and always available.
Congratulations! 5 stars ..

Great addon and the support is first class, simple to install and very clean. This is a must for any website.


Bought this for install on my new ecom website henna-boy. Reda is very helpful and made a custom modification for me in a very quick and professional manner. Highly recommended.

Five star plus extension! Was up and running under five minutes! Works like a charm! Look no further for an SMS solution for your store! Thanks!


Safety & security of our customers’ store and online business is very important to us. Equally important to us is to enable them separate wheat from the chaff; to serve genuine customers only.

To reduce spam registrations, prevent fake-users & spambots, Smshare is the latest feature in ESH's cap, a step to serve our valued clients better. With this feature all online store owners registered with us will move to a next level of cyber security. Thanks to smshare.

Sujjal Gupta,